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Posted by 까 치

NFS in ubuntu

Development/Linux 2009. 12. 4. 12:20
Refer to this website

Why NFS?

I simply wanted to experiment with NFS, and couldn't seem to find the documentation here on the forums. I found using NFS just as easy if not easier than using Samba for sharing between a few of my Unix based systems. In order to share a folder it only required a single line in a configuration file under /etc/exports, and a single line under /etc/fstab on the client to mount the share on each client at boot.

I mostly edited and moved things around from these guides to make a more complete single guide to getting this working using Ubuntu. (for client configuration) (for mounting using fstab) (for server configuration) (contains more info about NFS)

Install NFS Server Support
at the terminal type

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap
When configuring portmap do =not= bind loopback. If you do you can either edit /etc/default/portmap by hand or run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart

Editing /etc/exports
the /etc/exports file is used for creating a share on the NFS server

invoke your favorite text editor or

sudo vi /etc/exports

Here are some quick examples of what you could add to your /etc/exports

For Full Read Write Permissions allowing any computer from through
  • /files,no_root_squash,async)

Or for Read Only from a single machine
  • /files (ro,async)
save this file and then in a terminal type
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Also aftter making changes to /etc/exports in a terminal you must type
sudo exportfs -a

Install NFS client support
sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common

Mounting manually
Example to mount to /files. In this example is the name of the server containing the nfs share, and files is the name of the share on the nfs server

The mount point /files must first exist on the client machine.
cd /
sudo mkdir files

to mount the share from a terminal type

sudo mount /files

Note you may need to restart above services:
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart

Mounting at boot using /etc/fstab
Invoke the text editor using your favorite editor, or
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

In this example my /etc/fstab was like this:
  • /files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
You could copy and paste my line, and change “”, and “/files” to match your server name:share name, and the name of the mount point you created.
It is a good idea to test this before a reboot in case a mistake was made.

mount /files
in a terminal, and the mount point /files will be mounted from the server.

mount -t nfs /scratchbox/users/root/home/root/views -o nolock,tcp

Posted by 까 치
Error occurred "Could not find the release notes"
This case is for 7.10 to 7.04
sudo sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Refer to the distribute release version name on below
Posted by 까 치