Gstreamer build

Development/Linux 2011. 7. 28. 15:48
gnome-media - GNOME media utilities
gstreamer-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-alsa - GStreamer plugin for ALSA
gstreamer0.10-doc - GStreamer core documentation and manuals
gstreamer0.10-esd - GStreamer plugin for ESD
gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs - GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps - GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "base" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-good - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set
gstreamer0.10-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-x - GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
juk - music organizer and player for KDE
libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 - GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev - GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set
libgstreamer-plugins-pulse0.10-0 - PulseAudio plugin for GStreamer
libgstreamer0.10-0 - Core GStreamer libraries and elements
libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg - Core GStreamer libraries and elements
libgstreamer0.10-dev - GStreamer core development files
python-gst0.10 - generic media-playing framework (Python bindings)
python-gst0.10-dbg - generic media-playing framework (Python debug bindings)
serpentine - An application for creating audio CDs
totem-gstreamer - A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on gstreamer
totem-mozilla - Totem Mozilla plugin
farsight0.1-rtp - plugin providing RTP support for farsight
geekast - GNOME interface to peercast
geekast-binary - GNOME interface to peercast - binaries
goobox - CD player and ripper for GNOME
gstreamer-editor - GStreamer Pipeline Editor and other GUI tools
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg - FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 - Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer plugin
gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mpegdemux - Fluendo GStreamer plugin for MPEG2 demuxing
gstreamer0.10-gl - GStreamer plugin for OpenGL output
gstreamer0.10-gnonlin - non-linear editing module for GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dev - development files of the non-linear editing module for GStreamer
gstreamer0.10-pitfdll - GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-farsight - Gstreamer plugins for audio/video conferencing
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set
gstreamer0.10-sdl - GStreamer plugin for SDL output
gstreamer0.8-a52dec - ATSC A/52 audio decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-aa - AA-lib plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-alsa - ALSA plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-artsd - aRtsd plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-audiofile - AudioFile plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-caca - Colour AsCii Art library plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-cdio - low-level CD-ROM reading and control plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-cdparanoia - cdparanoia plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-doc - GStreamer documentation
gstreamer0.8-dv - DV plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-dvd - DVD plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-esd - Enlightened Sound Daemon plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-festival - Festival speech synthesis plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg - FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-flac - FLAC plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-gnomevfs - Gnome VFS plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-gsm - GSM plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-gtk - Gtk/Gdk plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-hermes - colorspace conversion plugin for GStreamer based on hermes
gstreamer0.8-jpeg - JPEG plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-mad - MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-mikmod - MikMod decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-misc - Collection of various GStreamer plugins
gstreamer0.8-mms - mms plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-mpeg2dec - MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-musepack - Musepack (MPC) audio decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-oss - OSS plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-plugin-apps - Simple GStreamer applications
gstreamer0.8-plugins - All GStreamer plugins
gstreamer0.8-sdl - SDL videosink plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-sid - C64 SID decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-speex - Speex plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-swfdec - SWF (Macromedia Flash) decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-theora - Theora plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-tools - Tools for use with GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-vorbis - Vorbis plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-x - X videosink plugin for GStreamer
libfarsight0.1-1 - audio/video stream library
libfarsight0.1-dbg - audio/video stream library: debugging support
libfarsight0.1-dev - audio/video stream library: development files
libfarsight0.1-doc - audio/video stream library: documentation
libglib-cil - CLI binding for the GLib utility library
libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0 - GConf support for GStreamer
libgstreamer-gconf0.8-dev - Development files for GConf support for GStreamer
libgstreamer-perl - Perl interface to the gstreamer media processing framework
libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0 - Various GStreamer libraries and library plugins
libgstreamer-plugins0.8-dev - Development files for various GStreamer library and library plugins
libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.8 - GStreamer 0.10 bindings for the Ruby language
libgstreamer0.8-0 - Core GStreamer libraries, plugins, and utilities
libgstreamer0.8-dev - GStreamer development libraries and headers
libgstreamer0.8-ruby - GStreamer 0.8 bindings for the Ruby language
libgtksourceview1-ruby - GTKSourceView bindings for the Ruby language
peercast-geekast - GNOME interface to peercast - peercast-servent data files
pitivi - non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer
python-gst - generic media-playing framework (Python bindings)
soundconverter - convert sound files to other formats
swf-player - Mozilla plugin for SWF files (Macromedia Flash)
tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins
telepathy-stream-engine - stream handler for the Telepathy framework
thoggen - DVD backup utility based on GStreamer and Gtk+
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (Multiverse Variant)
gstreamer0.8-dirac - Dirac decoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-faac - AAC encodingplugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-faad - AAC decoding plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-lame - LAME encoder plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-pitfdll - DLL/QTX loader plugin for GStreamer
gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse - All Multiverse GStreamer plugins
gstreamer0.8-xvid - XVID encoder plugin for GStreamer
app-install-data - GNOME Application Installer (data files)
gnome-app-install - GNOME Application Installer - Office suite
pulseaudio - PulseAudio sound server

* 까치님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2007-11-29 11:19)

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호준이 50일 (+a) 를 기념하여 사진을 찍었습니다.^^
아직 목도 가누지 못하는데... 엄마 아빠 욕심이였을까요.
사진 찍고 바로 푹~~~ 잠이 들어버렸어요.ㅋ

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Posted by 까 치



팀.............웤안양산 휴양림근영아 사진 올렸다.^^;
혹시 필요한 사진 있으면, 그냥 오세요...ㅎㅎ
사진 잘 나왔드라, 필요하면 요청하세요^^

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Posted by 까 치