Starting the Synergy SERVER on boot up.

Sample configuration  file
section: screens
                super = meta

section: links
                left = magpie-desktop
                right = youngseok7_lee

section: options
        switchDelay = 0

Make a directory in /etc to store the configuration:

sudo mkdir /etc/synergy
Setup my synergy server configuration file:
sudo gedit /etc/synergy/synergy.conf
To make the server run when gdm runs, but before anyone has logged in:

edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default:
sudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default
Added the following lines in the middle of the file BEFORE the "sysmodmap=/etc/X11/Xmodmap" line:

SYNERGYS=`gdmwhich synergys`
if [ x$SYNERGYS != x ] ; then
$SYNERGYS --config /etc/synergy/synergy.conf
The only problem with that is once you log in it kills off the server, so you need to make it start again for you.

edited /etc/gdm/Init/Default:
sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
Added the following lines in the middle of the file BEFORE the "XSETROOT=`gdmwhich xsetroot`" line:
SYNERGYS=`gdmwhich synergys`
if [ x$SYNERGYS != x ] ; then
$SYNERGYS --config /etc/synergy/synergy.conf
Log out and back in again.

The synergy server should now startup and run whenever your gdm session does.

Starting the Synergy CLIENT on boot up.
These instructions should work for running the synergy client on your UBUNTU machine to connect to a locally networked computer running the synergy server. (I've not actually tried them myself.)
Let us know how you get on.

The <address of server machine> will probably be an ip address that looks something like (DON'T put in the exact string <address of server machine>)

To make the client run when gdm runs, but before anyone has logged in:

edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default:
sudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default
Added the following lines in the middle of the file BEFORE the "sysmodmap=/etc/X11/Xmodmap" line:

SYNERGYC=`gdmwhich synergyc`
if [ x$SYNERGYC != x ] ; then
$SYNERGYC <address of server machine>
The only problem with that is once you log in it kills off the client, so you need to make it start again for you.

edited /etc/gdm/Init/Default:
sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
Added the following lines in the middle of the file BEFORE the "XSETROOT=`gdmwhich xsetroot`" line:
SYNERGYC=`gdmwhich synergyc`
if [ x$SYNERGYC != x ] ; then
$SYNERGYC <address of server machine>
Log out and back in again.

The synergy client should now startup and run whenever your gdm session does.

The <address of server machine> will probably be an ip address that looks something like (DON'T put in the exact string <address of server machine>)

'Development > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Window7에서 아이콘이 깨질때  (0) 2012.06.17
유용한 C program  (0) 2012.06.17
Mulplication without using '*' operator  (0) 2010.12.21
Mobile XE 설정하기  (0) 2010.08.24
[GPS]GPS모듈 구현중  (0) 2009.12.14
Posted by 까 치

//C Program for Multiplication without Using Multiply Operator *
void main()
int n,m,s=0;
printf(“nEnter the values”);
printf(“Result = %d”,s);



'Development > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

유용한 C program  (0) 2012.06.17
Ubuntu 에서 Synergy 사용하기  (0) 2011.01.01
Mobile XE 설정하기  (0) 2010.08.24
[GPS]GPS모듈 구현중  (0) 2009.12.14
static 용어의 개념 및 성질  (0) 2009.10.25
Posted by 까 치

본 내용은 [맛클]에서 가져온 자료입니다.

문제시 삭제 조치 하겠습니다.


※ 맛클 본문내용 바로가기



DI03-M3-4 주의사항
DI03 순정펌이 설치 되어있거나 DI03-M3 기존 버전을 사용중이어야 합니다.
Galaxy M3 Booster 1.38 버전을 마켓에서 다운받아주세요.
DI03-M3 기존 버전을 사용하고 계시던 분은 따로 초기화 작업하실 필요 없이 설치해 주시면 됩니다.

DI03-M3-4 준비물
다운로드 Odin v1.30 : 오딘입니다.
다운로드 : DI03-M3-4 설치커널입니다.
다운로드 : 추후에 순정펌으로 돌아갈때 필요합니다.

DI03-M3-4 설치방법
1. 갤럭시S를 다운로드 모드로 킵니다.
2. 오딘을 키고 PDA에 DI03-M3-4.tar 파일을 선택해줍니다.
3. 갤럭시S를 USB로 연결해 줍니다.
4. 오딘의 START 버튼을 눌러줍니다.
여기서 진행이 안되는 분은 그냥 USB 분리하고 오딘 끄신다음에 배터리를 분해한 후
1번부터 다시 진행 하시면 됩니다.
5. 설치가 끝나면 자동으로 리커버리 모드로 들어갑니다. 홈키를 눌러 리부팅합니다.
6. 부팅이 될 때 DI03-M3-4 스플래쉬 화면이 나타납니다.
7. 마켓에서 Galaxy M3 Booster v1.38을 설치해줍니다.

Galaxy M3 Booster 추천 설정
1. Galaxy M3 Booster 실행
2. [/data 파티션] 클릭
3. ext4 선택 후 변경 버튼 클릭
4. 유의 사항을 읽고 "네" 버튼 클릭 (어플이 많이 설치돼어있으면 좀 오래걸립니다.)
5. 리부팅이 완료되면 Galaxy M3 Booster 실행
6. [/data 파티션] 정보의 노란 글씨중 "ext4"가 있으면 성공
7. 많은 앱들에 시달린 나의 갤스가 빨라졌음을 만끽
8. 마켓에서 quadrant를 다운받고 벤치마킹도 해보기. 1400~1700점이면 정상

순정펌으로 돌아가기 / 부두로 갈아타기 / 다른 커스텀 펌웨어 적용하기
아래의 과정을 순서대로 지켜주시면 기존 데이터 초기화 없이 넘어가실 수 있으니 잘 따라하세요.
1. Galaxy M3 Booster 실행 --> 메뉴키 --> 모두 해제 --> 적용하기
2. Galaxy M3 Booster 실행 --> [내장 SD 이미지] 클릭 --> 파일 삭제
3. Galaxy M3 Booster 실행 --> [/data 파티션] 클릭 --> rfs 복구 --> 자동 백업 작업 시작됌
4. 리커버리 모드가 켜지면 공장 초기화 (factory reset) 실행
5. 배터리 분리
6. 홈 + 전원키로 다운로드 모드 진입
7. 오딘 PDA에 DI03-M3-4-rfs.tar 파일을 선택하고 START
8.  리커버리 모드가 나타나면 홈키를 눌러 리부팅
9. 최초 부팅시 "M3 Kernel updating..." 메시지와 함께 데이터 복구가 시작됌
10. 부팅 완료 = RFS 복구 완료 = 순정펌 깔기 준비 완료.

## 번외1 > 아아 다 귀찮다 > 순정펌 덮기 > 공초 > 부팅 > 끝 땡
## 번외2
부두 ext4를 설치하여 잘 사용중이신 분들은 힘들게 넘어오실 필요 없습니다.
제가 추천하는 세팅이 바로 부두와 마찬가지로 ext4로 /data 파티션을 바꿔버리는 겁니다.
부두 ext4를 쓰면서 외장 SD 카드까지 활용하실 분들은 루팅/커널 게시판에서 곰팅이 곰디님 글을 참고하시면 됩니다!! 네네!!

Posted by 까 치

'Development > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Ubuntu 에서 Synergy 사용하기  (0) 2011.01.01
Mulplication without using '*' operator  (0) 2010.12.21
[GPS]GPS모듈 구현중  (0) 2009.12.14
static 용어의 개념 및 성질  (0) 2009.10.25
Mozilla XPCOM document  (0) 2009.10.25
Posted by 까 치


Development/자료 2010. 1. 1. 16:15

본 정보는 Cannon club 의 izzzzy 님의 review 내용을 옮긴 것입니다.
다른 곳으로의 이동을 금하며, 문제시 삭제 조치 하겠습니다.

Posted by 까 치
GPS 모듈정보
블루투스 모듈정도

'Development > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mulplication without using '*' operator  (0) 2010.12.21
Mobile XE 설정하기  (0) 2010.08.24
static 용어의 개념 및 성질  (0) 2009.10.25
Mozilla XPCOM document  (0) 2009.10.25
[펌]회사에서 네이트 온 하기!!  (0) 2008.06.13
Posted by 까 치

NFS in ubuntu

Development/Linux 2009. 12. 4. 12:20
Refer to this website

Why NFS?

I simply wanted to experiment with NFS, and couldn't seem to find the documentation here on the forums. I found using NFS just as easy if not easier than using Samba for sharing between a few of my Unix based systems. In order to share a folder it only required a single line in a configuration file under /etc/exports, and a single line under /etc/fstab on the client to mount the share on each client at boot.

I mostly edited and moved things around from these guides to make a more complete single guide to getting this working using Ubuntu. (for client configuration) (for mounting using fstab) (for server configuration) (contains more info about NFS)

Install NFS Server Support
at the terminal type

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap
When configuring portmap do =not= bind loopback. If you do you can either edit /etc/default/portmap by hand or run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart

Editing /etc/exports
the /etc/exports file is used for creating a share on the NFS server

invoke your favorite text editor or

sudo vi /etc/exports

Here are some quick examples of what you could add to your /etc/exports

For Full Read Write Permissions allowing any computer from through
  • /files,no_root_squash,async)

Or for Read Only from a single machine
  • /files (ro,async)
save this file and then in a terminal type
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Also aftter making changes to /etc/exports in a terminal you must type
sudo exportfs -a

Install NFS client support
sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common

Mounting manually
Example to mount to /files. In this example is the name of the server containing the nfs share, and files is the name of the share on the nfs server

The mount point /files must first exist on the client machine.
cd /
sudo mkdir files

to mount the share from a terminal type

sudo mount /files

Note you may need to restart above services:
sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart

Mounting at boot using /etc/fstab
Invoke the text editor using your favorite editor, or
gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

In this example my /etc/fstab was like this:
  • /files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
You could copy and paste my line, and change “”, and “/files” to match your server name:share name, and the name of the mount point you created.
It is a good idea to test this before a reboot in case a mistake was made.

mount /files
in a terminal, and the mount point /files will be mounted from the server.

mount -t nfs /scratchbox/users/root/home/root/views -o nolock,tcp

Posted by 까 치
Error occurred "Could not find the release notes"
This case is for 7.10 to 7.04
sudo sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Refer to the distribute release version name on below
Posted by 까 치

Upgrade Ubuntu

Development/Linux 2009. 11. 27. 13:20

1 Desktop

Go to System > Administration > Software Sources:

Type in your password:

In the Software Sources window, go to the Updates tab and select Normal releases in the Show new distribution releases drop-down menu; then close the Software Sources window:

Now start the Update Manager (System > Administration > Update Manager):

The Update Manager should show that a new distribution release (8.10) is available. Click on the Upgrade button to start the distribution upgrade:

A window with the release notes for 8.10 comes up. Click on Upgrade again:


The upgrade is being prepared:

Click on Start Upgrade to finally begin with the upgrade process:

Replace /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades:

At the end of the upgrade process, you should remove obsolete packages:

The system needs to be rebooted to complete the upgrade, therefore click on Restart Now:

After the reboot, you can use your new Ubuntu 8.10 desktop:


2 Server

First become root:

sudo su

Then run

apt-get update

and install the package update-manager-core:

apt-get install update-manager-core

Open the file /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades...

vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

... and change Prompt=lts to Prompt=normal:


Then run


to start the distribution upgrade.

Confirm that you want to do the upgrade:

Do you want to start the upgrade?

2 packages are going to be removed. 48 new packages are going to be
installed. 376 packages are going to be upgraded.

You have to download a total of 242M. This download will take about 6
minutes with your connection.

Fetching and installing the upgrade can take several hours. Once the
download has finished, the process cannot be cancelled.

 Continue [yN]  Details [d]
 <-- y

At the end of the upgrade process, you should remove obsolete packages:

Remove obsolete packages?

21 packages are going to be removed.

 Continue [yN]  Details [d]
 <-- y

The server needs to be rebooted to complete the upgrade:

System upgrade is complete.

Restart required

To finish the upgrade, a restart is required.
If you select 'y' the system will be restarted.

Continue [yN] <-- y

After the reboot, your server is running Ubuntu 8.10.

Posted by 까 치

Error occurred on below ...

W: GPG error: testing Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXXXXXXXXX

Resolve on below ...

gpg --keyserver --recv XXXXXXXXX

gpg --export --armor XXXXXXXXX | sudo apt-key add -

sudo apt-get update


Posted by 까 치